Friday, February 27, 2015

Il Divo - Amazing Grace

Grace is God's divine merciful love for all of us. 

"I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see."

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My favorite scripture:  "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Monday, February 23, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

It occurs to me that I haven’t borne my testimony on my blog yet.  Certainly, those who know me are well aware that I have a firm testimony of the Gospel but I guess I should state it outright.

I know without a doubt that Christ atoned for my sins for no other reason than His pure love for me.  I know He is my Lord, my Savior, and my Redeemer.  I know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is the True Church on the earth today restored through the prophet Joseph Smith.  I know The Book of Mormon to be The Word of God.  I am so grateful for the priesthood ordinances—most especially for The New and Everlasting Covenant.  And I am so thankful for this knowledge that provides me with a meaningful, spiritual testimony.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Opps!  Haven't said what kind of mission yet:  we will be serving a CES mission working with YSA, 18-30—mostly “kids” attending the local colleges and probably a few military personnel from Fort Lewis.  We’ll be teaching institute classes, working with the Church’s new Pathways program, and “be there” for these young adults in whatever capacity we can.

Monday, February 16, 2015

So here’s the list of things I’m supposed to take:  10 white shirts, 3 suits, 5 ties, 2 pairs dress shoes, 1 pair casual shoes, 1 pair sneakers, 10 pairs socks, 10 undershirts, 10 undershorts, 2 causal shirts, 1 pair causal pants, 1 set work/workout outfit, 3 hankies, 1 pair pj’s, 1 pair slippers, 1 winter coat, 1 scarf, 1 pair gloves, 1 rain coat, 1 pair rain boots, I umbrella, 1 laptop w/charger, 1 I-pad w/charger, 1 cell phone w/charger, toiletries including electric razor, 1 wireless printer, prescription medicines, bedding, towels and washcloths, scriptures and printed church materials, 1 mini first-aid kit, 1 mini-sewing kit, 1 battery alarm clock, a one year daily planner, clothes hangers, flashlight w/batteries, 2 belts, a watch, and Deet (30%) mosquito repellant (???).  Well, with careful planning and maneuvering, I think I can get everything in the car—of course, I’ll have to leave Loralee and her things at home!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Saturday, February 7, 2015

07 FEB 2015      Some four decades ago, Mormon Missionaries knocked on my door and I instantly knew the Gospel was true.  I wasn't able to serve a mission then but now, over forty years later, my sweet wife and I have been called to serve a mission in the Washington Tacoma Mission.  Oh how sweet my joy! (don)